Most people love the internet. We probably don’t need to point this out, but you can bet that the internet isn't going away anytime soon.
The internet has provided access to information that you would normally only be able to find in a library, but who wants to go to a library, right? We’re just kidding, respect to all the librarians and bookworms out there.
To access all the cool things you can find on the internet, you’re going to need an internet plan. Read on to find out which internet plan - business or residential - is right for you.
What’s the Difference Between Business and Residential Internet?
First things first, if you aren’t running a small business from your home, there’s no need to invest in a business internet plan. You’re most likely already covered for what you need. If you still want more, you can always upgrade your package to better suit your particular desires.
If you are running a small business or you have a home office, then maybe you should consider looking into a business internet plan.
What is Residential Internet?
It’s exactly that - it is the internet you use at home. It’s typically a lot slower than a business connection, though not so much that you’d be reminded of that fact on a regular basis.
It usually has asymmetrical download/upload speeds (i.e., your download speed is probably a lot faster than your upload speed). All of this shouldn’t matter too much if you use your internet for everyday tasks and activities, like watching Netflix or YouTube.
What is Business Internet?
Business internet features a much faster, less finicky connection when compared to a residential plan. That’s because it is solely dedicated to conducting business (who would have thought), so it needs to maintain a consistently stable connection every hour that you’re on the clock.
It also typically has much faster download and upload speeds, as well as a robust customer service department. All of that is great, but of course, it all comes at a higher price tag.
Do You Need a Business Internet Connection?
If all you do at home is a bit of clerical work here and there, or you need to video conference with some work colleagues sometimes, then a high-speed residential internet plan will probably be enough.
However, if you do the bulk of your work from home, then it may be time to consider getting a dedicated business internet connection.
Pros of a Business Internet Connection
Fast Starting Speeds: With a business Internet connection, you’ll have a full range of speed options, starting at about 25Mb/s and going all the way to 10Gb/s and beyond. With a residential plan, your options are limited to anywhere between 2Mb/s and 1Gb/s (typically).
Symmetrical Connection: With a business plan, you’ll have many options available for matching download and upload speeds. This comes in handy if you’re doing a lot of video conferencing and file-sharing.
Dedicated Line: You’ll have a fixed internet connection independent of your neighbors. This means you shouldn’t suffer a decrease in connection speed during peak hours.
Service Level Agreements: An SLA is a contract between you and your ISP that details performance standards. It also dictates how much you’ll be compensated if your internet fails to meet those standards.
Con of a Business Internet Connection
Price: For a business internet connection, you’ll have a much higher starting price, which can go anywhere from around $50/m to $500/m. That’s why it’s important to make sure whether or not you need one so that you’re not throwing your money away.
Ultimately, the decision comes down to whether or not you can afford a business connection.
While it’s no question as to whether or not it’s better than a residential connection, its worth will be determined solely by your needs and the depth of your pockets. Make sure that you make the right decision before switching over.